How Do You Find A Sales Rep?

Lela Barker

  Jen from New Gloucester, Maine recently beamed this query over to me: “My husband & I have a wholesale/retail soap/personal care business and we are growing. We currently have one sales rep, but we need more help & have been having problems finding any. What is the best way to go about getting more sales…

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FREE WORKSHEET: Identifying Your Ideal Customer

Lela Barker

In a marketplace that’s flooded with choice, successful makers employ various techniques to rise above the noise. One of the most effective? Identifying their “ideal customer.” Your ideal customer is the customer you prefer to work with. It’s who you ultimately envision buying your product. It’s that customer who’s passed KYC verification through companies like…

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How to Create a Trade Show Budget

Lela Barker

  There’s no doubt about it: trade shows are pricey affairs.  Creative makers are often intimated by the price tag and uncertain of the benefits. This week in my LBU program, we’re exploring trade show strategies and I wanted to share a bit about budgeting for trade shows. Before we get to that, let’s firm…

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