This week in our ongoing Meet the Maker series, we’re getting to know Izaskun Zabala, a jewelry designer in Brooklyn, New York.
LBC: What inspired you to take your leap as an entrepreneur?
Izaskun: I was “let go” of my designer job at Stella & Dot. This was actually the best thing that happened to me, allowing me to stop and re-evaluate my life and my creativity.
LBC: When you first got started, how did you envision your business would be defined?
Izaskun: When I first got started, my collection was delicate, my prices very affordable and the design was everyday wear. While launching my company, I achieved a business diploma at the Fashion Institute of Technology and I learned about market research. Studying my competitors, the goal was to offer a different product, and to position my brand in New York’s competitive jewelry industry. This differentiation came very naturally to me: offer “high end” and everyday wear costume jewelry. That design philosophy continues to this day.
LBC: How would you describe what you create?
Izaskun: High-end costume jewelry. I was trained in fine jewelry and, by nature, I am detail oriented, and quality is one of my core values. You will notice my collections are highly polished and well-crafted.
LBC: Where can we find your products?
Izaskun: Nationwide at Lou & Grey stores, my website (, Jill Lindsey store in Brooklyn, and outdoor markets during warm seasons.
LBC: Walk us through your typical work day.
Izaskun: Wake up. Meditate. Breakfast. Write/answer emails and post on social media. Benchwork and/or go to the city to shop for materials and overlook production with different contractors. Maybe a meeting. Yoga and sauna before dinner. After dinner, plan the next day, write/answer emails, research the internet for inspiration or to simply learn something of interest. Meditate. Read.
LBC: What are 3 things makers should think through when they initially decide to start a business?
Izaskun: 1. Take a business course. Being creatively talented is a plus, but understanding the business is a must.
2. Study your competitors and differentiate your product/brand; chances are, you will get noticed.
3. Shoot for the stars. Always follow your intuition. When you fail, that’s the best learning opportunity!
LBC: When you’re overwhelmed, what brings you back to focus?
Izaskun: I am actually always focused! Even when I am overwhelmed with everything that is going on (which is constant), I manage to stay focused. I believe I have the gift of mental (and physical) strength.
LBC: Tell us about the best business decision you’ve made to date.
Izaskun: Starting my own company!
LBC: Please share one mistake or obstacle from your business experience. How did you bounce back/overcome it?
Izaskun: I did not define my customer clearly and under-priced my creations, which resulted in working too much to earn very little money. How did I overcome it? Changing my business mentality and defining my customer.
LBC: What are 3 essential resources in your business toolbox that you can’t do without?
Izaskun: My hands; my jewelry bench and tools; and my iPhone.
LBC: If you could hire someone to do just one thing that you sort of loath doing, what would it be?
Izaskun: A production manager.
LBC: What’s your favorite quote and who said it?
Izaskun: “Make things you wish existed.” –Jessica Hische
LBC: If you were given a million dollars, but were not allowed to keep a single penny for yourself, friends or family, how would you spend it or give it away?
Izaskun: I would create a center in an undeveloped country where women artisans would have access to tools and machinery to create jewelry and be taught how to manage a business.
Follow Izaskun’s inspirational adventures via Instagram at @izaskunzabala.
Thank you, Izaskun, for sharing your talent with us! We absolutely love what you’re doing and we look
forward to all the wonderful things ahead. We’re cheering you on…
Want to see your brand featured in our continuing “Meet the Maker” series? Drop us a line: hello AT Please use “MEET THE MAKER” as the subject line and be certain to include your web address. We look forward to hearing from you!