Tag Archives: coronavirus

boost sales during covid-19


Lela Barker

Though brick +mortar shops are ghost towns right now, online shopping is surging amidst the economic uncertainty. And while jigsaw puzzle companies, natural home cleaning brands, and anyone making hand sanitizer is seeing the lion’s share of the uptick, all brands stand to benefit- if we play our cards right. We’ve rounded up six strategies…

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Rising Strong. how small businesses are getting scrappy to adapt to the pandemic

Rising Strong: Small Businesses are Getting Scrappy to Adapt to the Pandemic

Lela Barker

We’ve been consuming an extraordinary amount of input and sharing a lot of resources as of late around all things COVID-19. Sprinkled amongst the barrage of bad news that I unleash when I open my internet browser each morning, I’ve found some promising rays of light. I’ve found my heart gravitating towards stories about small…

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