Tag Archives: Toolbox

Brand Love Language Part 5: Mistletoe + Fruit Cake (Download the complete Lucky Break Word Keeper Journal!)

Lela Barker

This week, we’re bringing you the final installment of our “Brand Love Language” series. If you’ve missed any part of the series, we invite you to catch up on Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4. Plus, we have a few special gifts for you. Read to the end for the surprises!  …

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Brand Love Language Part 4: Home Ec + Hopscotch

Lela Barker

This week, we’re continuing our brand love language series with part 4. Be sure to add the download at the end of this post to your word keeping toolbox.  We also welcome you to catch up on Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.   Today we’re talking about the good old days! More specifically,…

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