Tag Archives: Intellectual Property Law

Brand Love Language Part 5: Mistletoe + Fruit Cake (Download the complete Lucky Break Word Keeper Journal!)

Lela Barker

This week, we’re bringing you the final installment of our “Brand Love Language” series. If you’ve missed any part of the series, we invite you to catch up on Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4. Plus, we have a few special gifts for you. Read to the end for the surprises!  …

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Managing Intellectual Property Without Losing Your Mind

Lela Barker

Ladies… (and maybe a stray gent?): I am pleased to announce that my next Virtual Class will be ready-for-prime-time on Monday, December 17th. What subject will I be tackling this time?   Imitation Isn’t the Sincerest Form of Flattery   It’s a story that’s been repeated by entrepreneurs through time immemorial. Your web copy pops…

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