Tag Archives: Brand Development

Where Are They Now? Pam Rodgers of Stella Chroma

Angie Chua

Are you wondering what happens to my Brick House Branding alumni post-graduation? What they do with the momentum + new-found knowledge? Curious about where they take their businesses in the year following all that hard work? I’m excited to introduce you to another BHB graduate who’s making waves!   MEET PAM RODGERS OF STELLA CHROMA   This week,…

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Dissecting the DNA of a Stellar Brand

Lela Barker

If you’ve been around for a hot minute, then you’ve likely heard me preach that good branding is more than skin-deep. It’s more than a good name. Much more than a pretty logo. Truly standout brands are built from the inside out, infusing every facet of the company’s marketing with a strategic focus on the…

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The Problem With “Handmade”

Lela Barker

  I realize that I might be marching myself in front of a firing squad by asserting that there’s an issue with the concept of “handmade” in an article designed to be shared amongst the handmade community. After all, I’m a handmade maker myself and I’ve built a nice little consulting business supporting other makers…

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