Tag Archives: Brand Management

Don’t Even Contemplate A Branding Project Until You Read This…

Lela Barker

I’ve been working one-on-one with several creative brands of late, each of whom is in the early stages of a rebrand. And I’ve noticed a pattern among them: they’ve tagged in a professional graphic designer (a deliciously smart move) but they believe that since they have that designer in their corner, they’ve covered all their…

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Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater! How to Handle Copyright Infringement

Lela Barker

  I’m a lucky girl: each month, I get to play with some of the coolest emerging creative brands on the planet in my LBU Alumni Coaching Community. It’s an eclectic mix of stationery, apothecary, apparel, and gift companies and we work together every single day to forge a network of support, answer questions and…

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