Tag Archives: Mindset

#LBCWantsToKnow >> November 2018: Small Business Owner Mindset

Chloe Tate

Each month, I ask my Instagram community to join me in a focused, crowd-sourced discussion on a specific subject.  For the month of November, we rolled up our sleeves to chat about small business owner mindset. Nobody understands the stress of the holiday season like a small business owner, and I was thrilled to see so many…

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Things That Keep Us Up At Night: Battling Entrepreneur Anxiety

Lela Barker

Each year, I invite my clients to participate in the Lucky Break client survey. I ask you all sorts of things: about your business, about where you turn for advice, about how confident you feel in various aspects of your business, and about what biggest piece of entrepreneur anxiety is keeping you awake at night. Several…

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It’s Time for a “Come to Jesus” Moment…

Lela Barker

  Most of the makers that I work with come at their work from a creative perspective rather than from a business perspective. And that can be an intrinsically beautiful thing as you push the edge of your work and continue to innovate.   But that approach can simultaneously hamstring a growing brand. The desire…

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Thanks for the bag of dicks… no, really.

Lela Barker

I received a surprise this week when I stopped by the post office to check Lucky Break’s mailbox. Tucked inside that petite metal cubicle was a small, nondescript box addressed to me. Tucked inside the box? A bag of dicks. No, really. A bag of gummy candy penises and an anonymous, unsigned letter inviting me…

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